Govt/NP - Biomass - FAQ


How much funding will my government agency/non-profit receive?

Small-scale systems are eligible for awards of up to $27,000, and commercial-scale systems are eligible for up to $250,000. The awards are based on a percentage of eligible project costs (as defined in the program manual), with “adders” for thermal storage, cascading systems, distribution system efficiency, public and non-profit entities, and for multifamily affordable housing developments, of up to $250,000.  More details can be found in Section 3 of the Small-Scale Program Manual and Commercial-Scale Program Manual.

Why isn’t everyone in Massachusetts eligible for this rebate program?

Projects receiving rebates through MassCEC must be located in a utility territory that contributes funding to the Renewable Energy Trust (RET), which includes communities served by investor owned electric utility companies or a participating municipal lighting plant.

What is an MLP and where are they?

MLP stands for “municipal light plant” and refers to communities who are serviced by a publicly owned local utility instead of an investor-owned electric company, such as National Grid or Eversource. Some of these MLP communities contribute to the RET, which is the  source rebate funding. We are unable to provide rebates to MLP communities that do not contribute to the RET.