Financial Information
Established by Chapter 23J of the General Laws, MassCEC receives funding from the Renewable Energy Trust Fund, which was created by the Massachusetts Legislature in 1998 as part of the deregulation of the electric utility market. The trust is funded by a systems benefit charge of $0.0005 per kilowatt hour paid by electric ratepayers of investor-owned utilities in Massachusetts, as well as municipal electric departments that have opted to participate in the program. The average Massachusetts household contributes $0.32 to the Renewable Energy Trust each month.
The following information includes an overview of MassCEC’s budget, including revenue and expenditures on programs and operations.
MassCEC Budget, Fiscal Year 2022
MassCEC Budget Presentation, Fiscal Year 2022
Additional information about expenditures and payroll can be found on the C-THRU website.
Below are the audited financial statements from previous fiscal years:
MassCEC Audited Financials, Fiscal Year 2021
MassCEC Audited Financials, Fiscal Year 2020
MassCEC Audited Financials, Fiscal Year 2019