Other Success Stories

Rodgers Family
Ground Source Heat Pumps

In October 2016, two ground source heat pumps were installed by EnergySmart Alternatives at the Rodgers Residence in Medfield, MA.  The new systems replaced an oil boiler, two hydro-air units, and two air conditioning condensers. The new systems were equipped with real-time monitoring to track electricity use and other operating parameters. Room temperature can be controlled from anywhere by a smartphone. 

Between November 2016 and July 2017, the total operating cost for heating and cooling was $775 for the 3,700 square foot house. Between 1997 and 2016, the average oil usage at the home was 1,500 gallons per year for heating and hot water. The oil usage was eliminated completely  with the addition of a heat pump water heater coupled with a geothermal system.  Ongoing issues with inadequate air conditioning in the summer were also addressed by assessing and correcting ductwork sizing.  Annual savings are projected to be 70%.

“Love the system, I finally have great air conditioning!”